Hutchings LTD
Insurance Agency
Call us today for a FREE quote in Nevada 702-966-8544 or in Utah 801-990-3357

Meet the Team

A 1989 Graduate of the UNLV Lee College of Business. A native Nevadan. Fluent in Spanish, Portuguese, & (very often) English. Experienced in construction with licenses in Real Estate with a business brokerage permit and Insurance Life/Health, & Property & Casualty license. Owner of Hutchings LTD with wife of 28 years, Isabel.
About Hutchings LTD Insurance
Our Mission
We are an independent insurance agency, as such, we strive to save you money on your insurance premium, then we review your existing coverage and "shop" that coverage with several other fine insurance companies to make sure you are getting the best value for the money! Our goal is unsurpassed service! Count on us to fulfill your needs.
Having lived in the, Las Vegas, valley for many years you can count on me to know the type of home you have. I have sold real estate and insurance for 30 years. Call on me to help you with coverage for auto, home, health, & life. Available for you in both NV and Utah, you can call on me and Hutchings LTD for coverage in Henderson, NV or in Salt Lake City, Utah or in any part of either state.

Location in Utah
2825 E. Cottonwood Pkw., Suite 500
Salt Lake City, Utah 84121
Tel: 801-990-3357
Fax: 801-990-3111
Monday - Friday
8:30 am to 5:30 pm
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Evenings by Appointment
Fill out this form
We represent large, well known insurance companies like:

1489 W. Warm Springs Rd., Suite 110
Hnderson, Nevada 89014
Tel: 702-966-8544
Fax: 702-534-4007